Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Every time I think the movie is over 
It's just a commercial break
Who knew I was living in a mini series
And not a movie of the week?
But the shot goes from wide to zoom
And I wonder who am I
Standing out in the cold
This week I am just the guy
Standing outside 
Of the clinic. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012


One time I laughed at a joke
During an Opera.
It was even in
Another language.
I was so proud of myself
For understanding
Well enough to laugh.
Now I realize I am always
For that.
A chance to understand things
Well enough to laugh.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Dupont fountain is frozen
Its time that I start to
See that I am the
Same as the coins
Stuck on the

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Smells Like Smoke

Your house burns
Down in flames.
Tell me when
You can tell
That your house
Smells like smoke...
Is it too
Late? Its too
Late I know
It is.