Friday, October 9, 2009


They shot a missile into the moon today
One rocket penetrated the moon at 7:30 our time
The second waited, starring for four minutes until it collided
Reawakening and recreating all the dust and chaos
Of just four minutes earlier
I look at my list of tasks piling up like warheads
And make a list of what all reminds me of you
A paper about a poet you introduced me to
Researching our fate had we been born different times
Would you words still as sweet rest on my shoulders?
And responding to a nation
Awake at 7:30 our time
Watching with telescopes a tiny offensive penetration
Of a virgin chunk of rock
As though they didn't know
Or didn't care
That the moon created us
That the moon is our bedroom chandiler
As gentle and precious as a time zone
Or a national border
Or a distance between earth and the moon
Myself and your chest
Myself and my pillow
For sleeping under the moon.