Wednesday, November 11, 2009


And so when you are finished

Searching for the perfection

Promised to you by a group of leaders

Whom tell you every day out right

That they are lying to you

When the girl on television with impossible

Physique under a pound of butter cream

Foundation standing with no bearings

Weakly on her own...

When the hairless mole rat six pack

Or perfectly predatory hairless pecks

Stop making you feel as though its your job

To look daily like a photoshopped

Airbrushed multimedia project

If you are finally finished dipping your drool

Into a gallon carton of Mocha Swirl

Java Cup emotions

Drool from the most extreme show on television

Making miracles look like painful

Mutations to the body you call home

And the life story you call your face

If you are


Then I will be here waiting

To walk you through a world of moving on

Freeing yourself to a status of humanity


And taking in the wonders rarely offered

As well as those always present

In this

Already too short
