I love you
And, wow! That was fast
But I'm just that ass
Never cared what they asked
Of me
To patiently
Wait bend and knee
For 23 years
To confess
Whats in my chest
I've kept
But I'll take the blame
Go down in flames
As the flash in the pan
And no one will need
To know our secret
That its entirely your fault
Because you captured me
With persistence
I couldn't ignore
You on the dance floor
And fuck if that sounds
Two gay addicts
In habit
Following words to a song
And sing right along
Find words, then love
So what?
And up until now
I've ignored the crowds
I've let them be
Let them come for me
But for this I've got you
To answer to
And since I love the truth
Here goes
I have rushed and not strolled
Because that's how I rolled
But not anymore
Now I'm steady
And what I knew before
Seems now nothing more
Than what I ignored
As they told me
I didn't know how
What I know now
Could change me
I feel like a man
The first benefits
Offered to him
By his past
Because I finally see
How happy...is free
And shouldn't cost me
A dime
My mind
My behind
But should pay
And pay
In ways
That change
The stage
Of my play
To a place
I can feel loved
And not rushed
So lets laugh
And crash
Lets laugh
And last
And still choose to ignore
All of those boring
To ease on in
Gentle beginnings
Lets run laughing to
The stories that you
Will tell in the future
Of how we met with a bang
Loved 'til insane
And burned with a flame
That remains
How we never could hear
How fast loved appeared
Because we were too busy