Thursday, November 29, 2012


The truth of the matter is
Stuck somewhere inside all of this
That I would never be with you
Out of choice
I am barreling down a road of recovery
With the windows down following sunsets
While you idle in the mud somewhere in a bitter Dakota cold
You spin your wheels
I use mine to move forward
I thank god for them
I see you and I see
And that's all
I don't feel something tingle in my chest
But rather I hurt from the chain around my dick
Pulling me closer and closer to yours
Knowing that your pain
And your poor choice
Are what hold me back
And pull my dick until it bleeds
You do not need me
You need to run out of gas
Run out of battery
Sit the fuck down
On the side of the road
And ask for help
I would sooner stop to help a stranger in need
Who wishes someone would be kind in the cold
Than sit in the winter
Next to a man who thinks he is doing fine
Just sitting in the cold
Like I don't know
Any better