While you lay sleeping next to me
I think of protecting you
Because you finally gave me
The last leg up I needed
To see myself as strong enough
To protect someone
And the first person I chose
To look after was you
So here I lay
While you sleep
And I wrap us both in light
And I call upon every last God that
Has ever been a part of my life
To join me
And I see your guardians and
Your guides
And your spirit animals
I see your light
And my own
And my protectors
My guides
My angels
And all of it
All of them
All of us
Are circling this blessed bed we
Lay on together
And filling this place with so much light that
I cannot sleep through it
I bat away your nightmares
And dissolve my doubts
Certain that your protection
Is more important than my sleep
You leave me tomorrow
For the other side of the country
But you don't ever leave me
And I will always be there
In your light
Giving you mine
Surrounding your bed
With every part of me
That i give you tonight
That you give me tonight
That the gods give us
To sleep in.