Friday, December 23, 2016

Mom's Day

I might hail 
From Cincinnati 
If you're asking where I'm from

But I hail to
Until the bottle's done.

If you ask where 
I am going
You'll see where I have been

I tried the vodka 
and the beer
I've even tried the gin

But now I'm pushing 
And I'm looking at the grapes 

I'm not drinking to go out 
But I'm still looking to escape

Hail Dionysus 
Hail the vine
And hail the kitchen table

Call the girls
And pop the cork
We're gonna sip
While we're still able

Friday, November 18, 2016


Thank god for the little girl who sat beside me
On that flight when I wanted to die
But didn't care either way
Thank god she looked over at my phone 
And smiled 
When she saw the little mermaid playing 
I don't understand children
But I understand how wonderful it is
That they understand 


My fingers are pruney and my pussy is soaked
My body she tingles my backbone is sloped
I see my breathe exhaled in the night
My cunt is a rocket and she is in flight 
The take off we nailed the headboard is raw
My cunt she flies high but my eyelids they fall

Break Up

You don't really know 
mental illness 
until you've sung
A break up song 
to your own self.

Not Just Love

I think perhaps it is all dreams
A human dares to dream
and not just love 
that arrive to change your life 
when you least expect it. 

Humps and Thumps to Swerve Around Words

Ugh fuck it I'm headed to bed.
Anyway I'm on fire with words 
And leaving on a *high* note, so...
Have a lovely day my 
phenomenally curved 
Girl who is heard
Speaking her words
Via making her thumps.
Thumps so the grunting 
men can learn something 
From the constant rumbling
And distant drumming of 
Athena gone hunting 
Looking for nothing 
But from where it's coming 
these beats that keep thumping 
From she who is something
To hear in the woods.
You do what feels good 
Like today you could 
Pretend to be loud 
And let out your sound 
Without being worried 
Athena would hurry
If she could hear fury
In your fingers 
You know that bitch, though
She's all for a solo
One woman show
She's not gonna throw
Herself into you so
Just silently know
Athena likes a chase
It's basic
Don't waste 
A full day
On some just-in-case 
When we know the day
She finds you she'll say 
OMG hit this bong
Now this drum and hit strong 
And she'll join along 
In your wordless song
That welcomes the dawn
And battles her yawns
With its power to perk-up Athena.

It's not a battle cry if you're drumming, my sister. It's a battle sound.

Longing for the Deep

Live with me on the ocean floor
Sleep with me on the beach 

Travel on from shore to shore
We'll never buy, but lease

I want your lips forever more
Until as sea foam we're deceased

I'm alive where the birds soar
But I'm longing for the deep 

Helios Sex Party 2015

Somewhere a desert 
Hasn't seen rain in ages
But oh
Oh lord the drips 
The drops of the young sailors
Next to pools
They made and then lay naked beside to tan 
He is mine now and I
I am his too
But I 
Oh I dare say friends
Madness! I am no ones
I am the guest star!

People spend 40 years in an office
A choice they don't feel is a choice
So that they can finally choose
To come to this mirage 
And listen to the palm trees

And yet I sit 
Between sand and sun
Wondering why I haven't 
Forced my choices into an office

And the palm trees sway 
Thankful for the holiday weekend
Because they know it may take
More than a day
For me to fully soak up
This hot tub 

I drop my expectations
And drop to my knees
Instead to talk to the voices
That I forget are always there
And I give up trying to force myself
To give a body to the men
Who need me to own it

I scream
I'm here! Tell me why!
And I fell asleep
I woke up in a hot tub with the stars
And one by one
They came to me
Not on me
Not in me
To me
And wept

And I wept 

And I told them it was going to be ok
And they believed me
I believed me too


Los Angeles is a city full of people 
realizing they can do a lot 
more good in the world 
if they are only famous 
to the people right in front of them. 

Lies About Myself

The lies I've been told 
About myself
By myself
Can only be proven guilty
When I prove my innocence
I cannot simply accept
That I am not evil
If I do not prove how good I am
And I cannot do that by myself
I need to help you 

Tell Her Why

You decided 
That you were the man of the house 
You decided 
We got to whisper and you got to shout 
You decided
We were ungrateful hungry mouths
So you decided
To look for a better way out 
And when you decided 
To take your life in your own hands 
You decided 
That you could just change all our plans
Because that's 
What's family stands for 
To you 

Now I'm here at your grave
And I'm not your little baby
I stand face to face
Tears to grave
And im telling you 

Now you're gonna tell me why you did it 
Tell me why you think I deserved your worst
Don't you try hiding behind your decisions 
After all that you put me through 
I won't make it easy for you
Won't make it easy for you 
You decided 
As I stumbled home from the bar
You decided 
That your own house was too far
You decided 
That you could make me a star
You decided 
That you would just pin down my arms
In case I 
Came to
In case I 
Didn't want you to
In case I scream 
You'd convince me 
It was a dream 
And not a nightmare 

And maybe no one will hear
When I scream 
In that room 
Maybe no one will hear 
When I scream on the stand 
But now here I stand 
Woman to man 

Now you're gonna tell me why you did it 
Tell me why you think I deserved your worst
Don't you try hiding behind your decisions 
After all that you put me through 
I won't make it easy for you
Won't make it easy for you 

You decided 
That I was just a conquest 
You decided 
That that's what I offered at best 
You decided 
That I didn't need to know about your life
You decided 
That for me and your wife

And you made all your decisions
Without knowing the other side 
Knowing on the inside 
All I've survived 

So as you stand there 
Tears in your eyes 
Wondering why 
I'm saying goodbye 
Ask where will I go 
Because you don't know 
That I know 
The whole 

I'll look into your eyes
And do for you 
What I know I wanted too

Now I'm gonna tell you why i did it 
Tell you why I think you deserved the worst
I won't  try hiding behind your decisions 
After all that you put me through 
I won't make it easy for you
Won't make it easy for you 


The skin of America 

is so beaten 

it looks like a battle 

between black and blue.

I Cry

I was raped once

Sadly under

The moon

Which I look to

To light my way

With full faith 

It'll protect me

And for the moon to see

What happened to me

Well I was angry

Until I heard the moon say

With tears down its face

I'm sorry

I had to watch

Your innocence lost

Like a father holding the lantern 

So a rapist could see

What he was doing.

I understood the moon 

What it went through

Because let me tell you

That's the same view

I have of you 

As a white man 

With his hands 

Tied behind lies

And enemy fire

From what the worst of us

Keep shoving

Down your throats

Keep throwing 

Into your homes 

I understand that view

From the moon

White people

Are confused

I know that's not news

God bless you

You're used to it

But no really

God bless you

For what you've been through

I mean it when I say

I will never ever have the way

To apologize 

From my ivory


White power

Was an idea

A few of us made

Impossible today

To not partake

In despite the way

We feel or we pay

Respects to the paved

Roads of the people

Who died cuz our steeples

We're turned into stakes

That forced you to pay

The ultimate price

For something you never

Should have received a bill for

And sure I am gay

So I come and play

At all of these stages

Because I know the way

It feels to fight back

But it's still a fact

You don't have your back

To the congregation, in fact

You are not at all preaching

To the choir you're teaching 

White boys like me

Even gay I can see

And hear what you say

Every time 

You spite rhymes

Tailored for me 

To sit and absorb

You are not ignored

You are heard

And how arrogant of me

How rude would it be

To pretend what you need

Is the white point of view

Knowing that you

Must be so fucking sick

To death of that shit

Still I hear what you say

Every Tuesday

And perhaps I can tell

You what you the hell

Is really going on on this side

So here it goes

I admit I don't know

I don't know what the fuck to do

How to treat you 

Because my parents

And their folks

And the folks long since croaked

Box me in a corner

Of which there is no

Obvious way

To escape

Billions of us

Are out there cussing

And beating the shit out of you

And Have ruined

Every damn thing we say

As we choke and we shake

Wondering if mentioning your hair

Shows that we care

Or simple tells you watch out

I'm stealing that now 

Do I try and pronounce your name

Like I'm insane

And butcher your family's story

You would hate...or adore me

Adore that I am trying?

Do I listen to you

Play your songs on the juke?

Or until I rebuke 

The white man who pukes

Out his hate 

on your bass

Just shut my face

And my appropriation??

Every thought that I have 

Goes through this mill

Or what won't and what will

Speak to my skin's 


So I sit in this crowd

Screaming out loud

'Go ahead' 'Go in' and 'bring it down!'

But even in this town

With the sun shining down

I will never be brown

Enough to make those sounds

That never came from my people

It just points back to me 

And The stories that we 

Are all told as white children

First off so you know

What it is that is sold

To us in bulk 

Is this 'truth'

We are NOT like you 

But for a white to

Be accused as a racist

Is the most absolute tasteless

Of all accusations

I know that sounds crazy 

With the way we act lately 

But ask any all lives matter

Lady's hate splattered 

On her protest sign

Waiting in line at the RNC

If she really 


She's a racist

She doesn't 

I promise

And to call her a bigot

She will not quit it

She'll insist that she's only being equal 

So just know that 

That's where we are at

And the second big lie is still worse

We are told from the first

Time we see you

That you ARE the same

And we shouldn't hate 

But my god don't ever take it there

Don't ask about hair

Don't point out where

We are different

The only chance 

We feel that 

You have to succeed 

Is for you to be

Just like us if you can

So just understand 

In our worlds so flat

That that

Is supposed to be love meant for you

And the last LIE we face

Our biggest problem with race

They tell to our face

Is that we've done our best

To try and erase

Every sin of our predecessors 

To relieve the pressure 

Of how it felt when professors 

Taught us all the measures

Our fathers went through

To kill you 

I wish you knew

What it felt like to

Read history books

Full of these crooks 

Who look just like you 

To read almost the truth 

About all of the ruthless 

Lengths we went to 

To be probably the worst group 

Of people we knew

Will know 

And are

And so we lie

We lie

I will tell you we lie

To ourselves every night 

When we act surprised 

At your riots

Because what did we do?

In this present truth?

How long will we pay

For their mistakes

We never made

We keep saying 

And saying 

We never made 

These things 


It's all the past

We are trying to scream

Don't you see? It's not me!

In the third grade I seen

A play about Harriet Tubman 

And I clapped! 

I backed her up!

And for the record

We all want to say

I mean don't take your slang 

And your twerk

And your plays

I am not my old man 

I do it to stand 

Up and say damn

Look at what they can do!

I mean man, fellow white's can you

Believe this shit?

This shit lit!

But I'll quit 

Making this worse 

Because I am not here to defend

My fellow white men

I am here to extend 

Some Intel, my friends 

From behind the lies

Of white enemy lines

And thank God for this scene

For these people that speak

Every Tuesday to me

That help me see

And let me stand here

As the first you may here

And tell you I'm sorry

And just in case

That needs to be clear let me face

You head on a state

I am sorry for then. But more sorry for now 

I am sorry for how 

We all, even me



If we choose to or

If it's nothing more

Than ignorance

It doesn't matter anymore

I am sorry for now 

I am sorry for the new

For the hate that I spew

Straight out at you 

When I choose not to

Watch what I say

Or take time to think

About what my priveledge gives me

Hell just on this stage 

I have to explain 

Even now I'm afraid

That I have taken from you

The art of the spew

The art of the slam

and now here I stand 

Just some white man


You clap for me


Into YOUR art

To steal your hearts 

And maybe to win 

Some award in the end

Oh let's all just clap

For the white man and snap

When he takes again 

What isn't ABOUT HIM


I see you

I hear you

And I do not know what to do

About this view

From the mic


Expect perhaps tell you 

That as many of us 

Are trying to bust

You disgustingly 

There are those of us

That are part of the problem 

 But dumbed up and Stuck 

and hog tied

By the hands of our white 

Leaders - we cry

And we try

My god do we try

To escape so to find 

A way to defy

The past and our pride

To try and untie 

Our brains 

And we cry 

Every time that you die

Again because I

Because we 

Because I

Am not fighting enough

Out there or inside 

I'm sorry

I'm sorry 

I'm trying 

I cry 

I Cry


I was raped once

Sadly under

The moon

Which I look to

To light my way

With full faith 

It'll protect me

And for the moon to see

What happened to me

Well I was angry

Until I heard the moon say

With tears down its face

I'm sorry

I had to watch

Your innocence lost

Like a father holding the lantern 

So a rapist could see

What he was doing.

I understood the moon 

What it went through

Because let me tell you

That's the same view

I have of you 

As a white man 

With his hands 

Tied behind lies

And enemy fire

From what the worst of us

Keep shoving

Down your throats

Keep throwing 

Into your homes 

I understand that view

From the moon

White people

Are confused

I know that's not news

God bless you

You're used to it

But no really

God bless you

For what you've been through

I mean it when I say

I will never ever have the way

To apologize 

From my ivory


White power

Was an idea

A few of us made

Impossible today

To not partake

In despite the way

We feel or we pay

Respects to the paved

Roads of the people

Who died cuz our steeples

We're turned into stakes

That forced you to pay

The ultimate price

For something you never

Should have received a bill for

And sure I am gay

So I come and play

At all of these stages

Because I know the way

It feels to fight back

But it's still a fact

You don't have your back

To the congregation, in fact

You are not at all preaching

To the choir you're teaching 

White boys like me

Even gay I can see

And hear what you say

Every time 

You spite rhymes

Tailored for me 

To sit and absorb

You are not ignored

You are heard

And how arrogant of me

How rude would it be

To pretend what you need

Is the white point of view

Knowing that you

Must be so fucking sick

To death of that shit

Still I hear what you say

Every Tuesday

And perhaps I can tell

You what you the hell

Is really going on on this side

So here it goes

I admit I don't know

I don't know what the fuck to do

How to treat you 

Because my parents

And their folks

And the folks long since croaked

Box me in a corner

Of which there is no

Obvious way

To escape

Billions of us

Are out there cussing

And beating the shit out of you

And Have ruined

Every damn thing we say

As we choke and we shake

Wondering if mentioning your hair

Shows that we care

Or simple tells you watch out

I'm stealing that now 

Do I try and pronounce your name

Like I'm insane

And butcher your family's story

You would hate...or adore me

Adore that I am trying?

Do I listen to you

Play your songs on the juke?

Or until I rebuke 

The white man who pukes

Out his hate 

on your bass

Just shut my face

And my appropriation??

Every thought that I have 

Goes through this mill

Or what won't and what will

Speak to my skin's 


So I sit in this crowd

Screaming out loud

'Go ahead' 'Go in' and 'bring it down!'

But even in this town

With the sun shining down

I will never be brown

Enough to make those sounds

That never came from my people

It just points back to me 

And The stories that we 

Are all told as white children

First off so you know

What it is that is sold

To us in bulk 

Is this 'truth'

We are NOT like you 

But for a white to

Be accused as a racist

Is the most absolute tasteless

Of all accusations

I know that sounds crazy 

With the way we act lately 

But ask any all lives matter

Lady's hate splattered 

On her protest sign

Waiting in line at the RNC

If she really 


She's a racist

She doesn't 

I promise

And to call her a bigot

She will not quit it

She'll insist that she's only being equal 

So just know that 

That's where we are at

And the second big lie is still worse

We are told from the first

Time we see you

That you ARE the same

And we shouldn't hate 

But my god don't ever take it there

Don't ask about hair

Don't point out where

We are different

The only chance 

We feel that 

You have to succeed 

Is for you to be

Just like us if you can

So just understand 

In our worlds so flat

That that

Is supposed to be love meant for you

And the last LIE we face

Our biggest problem with race

They tell to our face

Is that we've done our best

To try and erase

Every sin of our predecessors 

To relieve the pressure 

Of how it felt when professors 

Taught us all the measures

Our fathers went through

To kill you 

I wish you knew

What it felt like to

Read history books

Full of these crooks 

Who look just like you 

To read almost the truth 

About all of the ruthless 

Lengths we went to 

To be probably the worst group 

Of people we knew

Will know 

And are

And so we lie

We lie

I will tell you we lie

To ourselves every night 

When we act surprised 

At your riots

Because what did we do?

In this present truth?

How long will we pay

For their mistakes

We never made

We keep saying 

And saying 

We never made 

These things 


It's all the past

We are trying to scream

Don't you see? It's not me!

In the third grade I seen

A play about Harriet Tubman 

And I clapped! 

I backed her up!

And for the record

We all want to say

I mean don't take your slang 

And your twerk

And your plays

I am not my old man 

I do it to stand 

Up and say damn

Look at what they can do!

I mean man, fellow white's can you

Believe this shit?

This shit lit!

But I'll quit 

Making this worse 

Because I am not here to defend

My fellow white men

I am here to extend 

Some Intel, my friends 

From behind the lies

Of white enemy lines

And thank God for this scene

For these people that speak

Every Tuesday to me

That help me see

And let me stand here

As the first you may here

And tell you I'm sorry

And just in case

That needs to be clear let me face

You head on a state

I am sorry for then. But more sorry for now 

I am sorry for how 

We all, even me



If we choose to or

If it's nothing more

Than ignorance

It doesn't matter anymore

I am sorry for now 

I am sorry for the new

For the hate that I spew

Straight out at you 

When I choose not to

Watch what I say

Or take time to think

About what my priveledge gives me

Hell just on this stage 

I have to explain 

Even now I'm afraid

That I have taken from you

The art of the spew

The art of the slam

and now here I stand 

Just some white man


You clap for me


Into YOUR art

To steal your hearts 

And maybe to win 

Some award in the end

Oh let's all just clap

For the white man and snap

When he takes again 

What isn't ABOUT HIM


I see you

I hear you

And I do not know what to do

About this view

From the mic


Expect perhaps tell you 

That as many of us 

Are trying to bust

You disgustingly 

There are those of us

That are part of the problem 

 But dumbed up and Stuck 

and hog tied

By the hands of our white 

Leaders - we cry

And we try

My god do we try

To escape so to find 

A way to defy

The past and our pride

To try and untie 

Our brains 

And we cry 

Every time that you die

Again because I

Because we 

Because I

Am not fighting enough

Out there or inside 

I'm sorry

I'm sorry 

I'm trying 

I cry