Here’s to the war we’ll never win and the man I’ll never marry
I have sister back home
Just got a proposal
To be with a man who likes to use fists
Was a time when dad was like this
But he quit
All that shit
Now my sisters take turns
Learning from burns
They feel on stoves
That already told them no
Told them not to go
Down that road
But rednecks never listen
They get lost in their heads
See, Tupac once said
A thug is someone
Whose gotta overcome
An obstacle set up by society
And I just gotta say
If that is the case
Than you’re looking at some real thug life
I never had some sleepless night
In a urban ghetto hearing police
Breaking the knees
Of my boys in the streets
But I saw meth heads
Blow their houses to shreds
Just behind my shed
On the next block
I’ve seen women get beat
For walking bored on the streets
Just to escape the heat
Of the husbands that beat
Them in between sheets
And call it making love
When its actually a contract
To get money back
From the same government that
Shit on the black part of town
And just looked at us like we should know better
White Trash thug life is too damned bright
On a hot summer day
One garage sale away
From making the payments
On your payday loans
Your stomach groans
Because all you can eat
Is that damned Mickey Dees
For two square meals
A day. You got kids from your honey
And then kids for the money
And then aint it funny
To watch them do it again?
You got kids cause it’s nice
When you can bare ride
That stoned ass all night
Then he leaves you crying
But that’s alright
You got his ass despite
For the next 18 years
Of a life of tears
Because you fear
You have no idea
How to do this right
It’s too bright
This damned white
Trash life
And from where I’m from
That shit just gets dumb
And makes me wonder
How the poor black folks
And the poor white folks
Could just keep going
And never know
How much alike they are
Much less how far
We truly are
From understanding
So I'll say tonight
As the white
Pawn in the fight
That despite
What the two of us think
We are not the only two colors
While the whites and the blacks stand in the streets
And scream
And scream
At least 15
Other shades
Walk past us on days
When the words of hate
Are flying grenades
Sent to each other's neighborhoods
Perhaps if we could
Stop seeing this shit
Like we are opposites...
Black and white are not opposites.
It has led me to see
What else severely
Needs some help
See, we only care about ourselves
Got to let me show
Y’all so you know
The Jena Six get shit
And America’s pissed
But whose shows up
To protest
I’ll give you one guess
It was hardly anybody who looked like me
Out there in a sea
Of those personally
Affected by the ways
We have these days
Of treating ‘the norm’ deviations
Part two
Just for you
Who thought you were fine
With that last set of lines
Let me ask you this
The governments say
To all of them gays
That its not okay
To get married or pray
Or fight to serve
Because we must conserve
Our traditional values
Knowing very well
That’s the line used to sell
So much hate in our past
How many straights can I ask
Would protest on behalf of gay rights?
It’s not your war, right?
And I know some of you are straight and show up
And you are the ones that truly feel love
For the gays and our fight, but let’s be real
Most of you are women
So now, what’s the deal
With the struggles there
Even more evidence of what’s unfair
And selfish about who we’ve become
From the ashes of the bras our mothers burnt
Begging for their voices to be heard
Came a phoenix bird
That shut every one of you up
While you sell stuff
With those double Dee cups
And hurt one another
Just to get to the top
Of a pile that doesn’t even belong to you
Because that phoenix bird
Packs a lot of hurt
And a lot of power with him
The phoenix of chauvinism
Is most likely on your iPod right now
And her name is Ms. Hilton, Ms. Spears
Her name Ms. Hill, 22 years old
And shakin' her ass in a video rapping about skanks
And how nasty freak bitches think they is shit but they aint
Women can change
The world with their brains
But never if they
Are animals
And now I can keep on about how no one plays fair
About how gays are racist and we’re all unaware
Of the immigrant’s fight
Because we don’t think it’s right
To have to learn another language for someone else
Because they came to us, it was their ways that failed
The education of words we need to know
Is so far off that we can’t even show
Those from lands and words not of our own
That we might even feel the slightest remorse
And humanity towards them
And then theirs of course ageism and religion and that list could go on
But I’m just trying to say what’s really wrong
With this world is that my sister needs help
Seeing that she deserves more for herself
And when I think about what the future might hold
For children I will never help grow
But still yet shape their world
My toes curl
At how much we have left to do
Before the American village can speak the same truths
And together raise the American youth
Who realizes empathy, and helps others in need
Despite the fact that personally
Their problems don’t mean shit to that kid
And they’d know that the bigger point is
Injustice at all is not just unfair
Just one threat of it, is a threat everywhere
And then that kid could look up and answer me
When I ask them who said that originally
What else severely
Needs some help
See, we only care about ourselves
Got to let me show
Y’all so you know
The Jena Six get shit
And America’s pissed
But whose shows up
To protest
I’ll give you one guess
It was hardly anybody who looked like me
Out there in a sea
Of those personally
Affected by the ways
We have these days
Of treating ‘the norm’ deviations
Part two
Just for you
Who thought you were fine
With that last set of lines
Let me ask you this
The governments say
To all of them gays
That its not okay
To get married or pray
Or fight to serve
Because we must conserve
Our traditional values
Knowing very well
That’s the line used to sell
So much hate in our past
How many straights can I ask
Would protest on behalf of gay rights?
It’s not your war, right?
And I know some of you are straight and show up
And you are the ones that truly feel love
For the gays and our fight, but let’s be real
Most of you are women
So now, what’s the deal
With the struggles there
Even more evidence of what’s unfair
And selfish about who we’ve become
From the ashes of the bras our mothers burnt
Begging for their voices to be heard
Came a phoenix bird
That shut every one of you up
While you sell stuff
With those double Dee cups
And hurt one another
Just to get to the top
Of a pile that doesn’t even belong to you
Because that phoenix bird
Packs a lot of hurt
And a lot of power with him
The phoenix of chauvinism
Is most likely on your iPod right now
And her name is Ms. Hilton, Ms. Spears
Her name Ms. Hill, 22 years old
And shakin' her ass in a video rapping about skanks
And how nasty freak bitches think they is shit but they aint
Women can change
The world with their brains
But never if they
Are animals
And now I can keep on about how no one plays fair
About how gays are racist and we’re all unaware
Of the immigrant’s fight
Because we don’t think it’s right
To have to learn another language for someone else
Because they came to us, it was their ways that failed
The education of words we need to know
Is so far off that we can’t even show
Those from lands and words not of our own
That we might even feel the slightest remorse
And humanity towards them
And then theirs of course ageism and religion and that list could go on
But I’m just trying to say what’s really wrong
With this world is that my sister needs help
Seeing that she deserves more for herself
And when I think about what the future might hold
For children I will never help grow
But still yet shape their world
My toes curl
At how much we have left to do
Before the American village can speak the same truths
And together raise the American youth
Who realizes empathy, and helps others in need
Despite the fact that personally
Their problems don’t mean shit to that kid
And they’d know that the bigger point is
Injustice at all is not just unfair
Just one threat of it, is a threat everywhere
And then that kid could look up and answer me
When I ask them who said that originally
And say “I don’t know, I heard it on the streets”