Wednesday, November 11, 2009


And so when you are finished

Searching for the perfection

Promised to you by a group of leaders

Whom tell you every day out right

That they are lying to you

When the girl on television with impossible

Physique under a pound of butter cream

Foundation standing with no bearings

Weakly on her own...

When the hairless mole rat six pack

Or perfectly predatory hairless pecks

Stop making you feel as though its your job

To look daily like a photoshopped

Airbrushed multimedia project

If you are finally finished dipping your drool

Into a gallon carton of Mocha Swirl

Java Cup emotions

Drool from the most extreme show on television

Making miracles look like painful

Mutations to the body you call home

And the life story you call your face

If you are


Then I will be here waiting

To walk you through a world of moving on

Freeing yourself to a status of humanity


And taking in the wonders rarely offered

As well as those always present

In this

Already too short


Thursday, October 22, 2009


If screams
And keels over into fetal positions curled tight
If wincing lemon faces ripped from lion faces
And listings of higher powers
"Jesus Christ God Oh My God!"
Can somehow result in the birth of something infantile
And totally new
But not always human
Then the babe would be lovers
Across time
The cries let out from the greatest lovers
Most powerful in their passions
Most passionate in their powers
Sow seeds of lovers' moans
To be harvested when, again, in time
The same caliber of romantic thigh twitching
And eye-rolling is created and echoed
Let the kings and queens of the past know
That a cornucopia and bountiful feast
Is taking place in our bedroom
On our sheets
While our movements knock
Shakespeare's sonnets and Dickinson's letters
From your nightstand

Friday, October 16, 2009

Know Better

Something inside of me
Knows better than to
Second guess the tingles that creep
Up the back of my arms
When you answer the phone
With a hello
Spoken through a smile

Secrets, Secrets

Never, ever, ever tell me
That you feel the same
Please, despite your gestures
And soft poet kisses
And arms capable of wrapping the entire military industrial complex
Up into a bear hug
Despite your tongue reaching for swirls of cozy sweatpants days
Hidden somewhere in our familiar kisses
Do not tell me how you feel
Do not let me know
I am forever in awe of making sure
You know exactly how I feel
And creating masterpieces in the honor of the off
slight, shot in the dark long shot chance
That you might feel even half as safe
And correct as I feel when I am wrapped up in you.
I need the mystery.
I want to be forever in the dark
Where we can mold our bodies together
While I forever ask you
Read it again
Read it again
Read it again

Friday, October 9, 2009


They shot a missile into the moon today
One rocket penetrated the moon at 7:30 our time
The second waited, starring for four minutes until it collided
Reawakening and recreating all the dust and chaos
Of just four minutes earlier
I look at my list of tasks piling up like warheads
And make a list of what all reminds me of you
A paper about a poet you introduced me to
Researching our fate had we been born different times
Would you words still as sweet rest on my shoulders?
And responding to a nation
Awake at 7:30 our time
Watching with telescopes a tiny offensive penetration
Of a virgin chunk of rock
As though they didn't know
Or didn't care
That the moon created us
That the moon is our bedroom chandiler
As gentle and precious as a time zone
Or a national border
Or a distance between earth and the moon
Myself and your chest
Myself and my pillow
For sleeping under the moon.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I miss the colors of your bedsheets wrinkled in the bends of you
Whenever I lounge around on pajama bottom days
I miss the way your torso hands the conversation
Over to your thighs
Whenever I walk miles with heavy backpacks
In directions that are not toward you
I hear you brushing your teeth in my dreams
But I wake to find myself much further from your bathroom
Than across the hall
Still I throw the backpack to the ground
And stretch my legs
Brush my teeth
And slip into bed
Knowing that every once in a while
I will slip perfectly into your complimentary
Curves and bends
Agreeing with your body
And soak up moments to miss

Monday, August 24, 2009

2:25 am

I cannot write a poem high

I said

I’ve never been able to

But I lied for the sake of argument

Which is something I try not to do

And I know I shouldn’t

But I do

And you should know this.

I know my truths are safe here though

You said you don’t trust

Art born of intoxication

My mind is recovering

And stopping slowly

The many years I’ve passed

Worth of intoxications

Brain dead highs and lows so bitter

I freeze cheeks just to think

Searching for highs in wrong things

Not even drugs

Binge eating weekends and lies to my parents

Skipped agendas and responsibilities hidden away from

Like ass-up ostrich immaturity

And I worry myself asleep

Most off-days

Wondering if my time has come to go or go ahead

Slip on a K-Mart vest and gain a special blue glow

Or sell it, pawn it, hitch it, suck it, and sue it all the way to the

Big leagues

Recently I started searching for answers in a chair

Without sugar or video games for a week

Just to see if I could stop crying

And throwing fits

And maybe start cleaning up my pencil box

And sharing with the other kids

But there was always a difference between hearing my father say ‘throw you into the deep end’

And him actually throwing me

Wait for me to decide

Before your decision

And your chances of a contact high

Soar to Petty concert comparisons

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


As I stand tired at my sink
Washing the night sky
The twinkles of fork prongs
And curves of little dippers
Extend themselves as for me to get a handle
On the night sky
But as I approach the moon plate dish
I realize I cannot
I wax and wain and circle the
Full bright orb
Getting nowhere with the stains
The stars and fork prongs
See that I'm distracted
The rush of nighttime post-shower
Pre-sleep soft skin sheet kiss
Leaves a stare and a freeze
I am breathless
Powerless to the night sky
The dippers float back to heaven
The stars ride soap bubbles away
And the dish
Runs away
With the moon

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I’ll tell you why I chose the elixir

Given my choices

I’ll explain to you every bit of what you need to know

And even previews of what you want to know

I will spill out newspaper clippings and tell-all novels

From the collapsing sopping wet cardboard edges of my hover ville

A gun to set my pace

Traipsing through early morning sunrises

In turkey neck flannel and budding raw masculine sexuality

Patches of stubble

Stink of changing hormones and nervous urges creeping

I could have used my gun with the men

As the winter morning gas station Marlboros and day old reheated coffee no creams

Invited me to take the four-wheeler out

And shoot

I chose to run from the truth about weapons

That weapons killing are only half of their issue

Weapons, more importantly, give the shooter a choice

And I never wanted to be given that choice

Do not burden my ATV shocks to carry that weight back to the campgrounds

My gender sent me a basic postcard to come play in the early morning fields of

Choosing the final chapters of whatever was in sport

My dickmates asked me early on to decide if what I had was a weapon

And I swallowed the inevitable fate of a terrorizing childhood social dilemma

To stand proud with no weapon but a favor


An empathetic extension

But never a pain

I was offered once a noose

Woven so completely for me

Convenient and martyred with fray only where dramatic

Scores of enthusiasts inside of a world we all see everyday

Contribute to everyday

Live in everyday

Share everyday

But never really physically enter

Interweb Media System Communications

Anyway, scores of them

Carefully downloading and extracting the contents of a custom fit noose

There are many reasons to offer someone a noose

Each of them carefully crafted boxes with lines drawn on the inside

And instructions where to stand written backwards

On the sides that are off limits

Come inside where the rain cannot seep into your make-up eyes

Raccoon eyes are out! Hello?

Enjoy the ideas but never the desires

Step to the side and fill out the form

We’ll let you know what its your turn

Eyes on your own personalized paper

And while you wait

We’ll be fitting you for your noose

I was never one to read

No point in lying

So I stayed in the lobby with a noose

And hormone circumstantial blues

Until some friends of mine saw me in the window

And I saw no reason not to leave for a bit

I had time for a cigarette anyway

I didn’t bring my noose

With me

Then one morning I woke

And found on my nightstand

Well, almost knocked over on my nightstand

Because I am not a morning kind of person

This little elixir not tall enough to be poppers

With Alice in Wonderland labels

Fuck the Dumb Shit



Now I walk into rooms full of nooses

Watch men shoot deer from the schoolhouse windows

And wait for my next weapon of choice

Be it ninja star catty wit claws tossed by angry gay men

Like ultimate Frisbee in the quad

Or dumbed flat and insistently rough armor shields from aged enlightenment seekers

I watch and weigh my options

And the weight of my load

Because life is far to heavy

Carrying too many weapons


I need to maneuver with ease

I am still wandering hallways and shores

Trying to find out what exactly constitutes

The dumb shit


I keep dehydrating myself

Because it’s good to need something

Other than poetry

You know what you need,


You know what you need is overstatements

And understatements

Not bank statements

It seems as though what you thought you in fact needed

Will sadly bring you no more than you have

How wonderful would it have been

In the event

Of this American capitalist (stay with me)

Truce and agree-ance actually holding more than noodles

But soup

It is a lie, however

And it seems these dreams of yachts and custom made clothing

Implied wealth waving invisible from the concrete as though

It is assumed rather than created

Are never fully realized any more than a Rom-Com

Montage makeover

Because time and reality clutter this world

Void of utopian basics

Bogged down by the truth

And the humidity

My god the humidity

Reminding summer days they are alive but not all well

But I was raised in a swamp

Jumped from my lily pad

Flew through the air

And landed in another boggy balmy humid swamp

I can take the humidity

And you know you are more than okay with it, Poet

You know you love those overstated saber-toothed giant woolly

Painfully real brutal truth-tastic nastinesses

The nights filled with tears and screams and whinny complaints

Set to unfortunate realities

And tasks at hand

You complain about the humidity

But you love being shirtless because of it, Poet

You love your insistent candor and fistfuls of wit

So perhaps dreams of arid dry heats out west

And safely tangible disposable hearty suburban kitchen islands

Filled with junk mail and credit card statements

Are in fact not at all what you really want,


Perhaps the ugly, bitter, sweaty, whoreish, brash, brazen, seductive

Seedy, underbelly truth

Is that you need something no one else in this world needs

Other than poets

To suck barnacles from the underside of life’s biggest great whites

And scream in joy at the amazing ride zipping through thirsty under currents

For the bargain price of lamentation

Everything for the sake of study

The study of sciences

And arts

But mostly just vain arrogant selfish needs

How dirty a little truth to discover, Poet

But you need rough whisky shot purging animal noise sweat stained


It’s perhaps the only explanation you can understand

And the only thing you can fully explain

Monday, June 15, 2009


I am sick of these poems
This demographics warfare
Night after night
Mic after mic
Across the country
Labels collected and struggles hoarded
In the battle of 'who's more repressed?'
But before you rush the stage
With hisses and fruits
Hear why my poem is that of the ugly kind
I am sick of these poems
As I am sick with these poems
Each of them bargaining with empathy
And playing to a crowd
With an optimistic faith in common sense
And humanity
And each of the perfectly placed punctuations
Begs for a slice of my heart
Directly proportional in size
To the amount of disparities and demographics
I have no choice but to give into them
As each poetry lives to tell a story
Of pain and longevity
Waiting in line to a room full of heart butchers
Ready at their slicers
Only one voice could possibly be missing
The voice of the room
Whole and unified
Fighting sighs and indifferences
Giving way to a struggle cliche-d into the
Hippie term 'revolution'
Fuck it.
Call it what you will
But it's not Armageddon
It's simply the poets Collecting our Works
To understand the level of empathy we
All seek in others
Is too in ourselves
The underlying passion is an adventure
Seeker with a hound dog scent of camaraderie
I am sick with these poems
My own tally-marked demographic novels in tow
Bring to me what I'll bring to you
Immigrants helping rape victims
Children of abuse racing for the cure
Inner-city victims of the deepest strands of racist tensions
Plowing through the rover-red-rover lines of language barriers
Gay feminist vegan Pagan naturalists
Devoting more time to the halt of genital mutilation abroad
Than they do to their own PETA-driven causes
The penniless building monuments
To the women who got the vote
See each other
As the poem in your hand
And heal the sick
these poems.

The Gambler

And so at least I know
It's me
That is feeling, climbing, explaining
Circumstance and indecision aside
I am this now
There are givens given
And hypotheticals discussed
At the seminar of 'What Next?'
Oddly placed in Vegas
Gambling and affirmations aside
I am standing, smoking, looking
At all the tables of play
Knowing it's me
Who has a very clear decision to make
To take over as Showgirl
With the deepest positive affirmations
My titty tassels can elicit

As I strip down to strip down
I realize, life is null and void
The sigh of relief is comparable to Katrina winds
And my stage name is born
There are no answers
What is-s
What was-s
And what will be-s
But no right or wrongs
No answers
Just questions
And I stop yelling at the microphone
Stop blowing dice like my life depends on it
And start shaking my fringe
And showing off a new look of pretentiousness
Because I wonder why people are attracted to men that treat them like shit
Not because I know they are
Swinging tea-bag insults in your bifocals
And thumping to the mirrored disco balls
As multi-faceted
And reflective
As any given noun or situation
One can imagine
Too smart for your own good
Thinking yourself dumb
Giving the disappointments and teases
And picking money off the stage like third world
Toddlers pick trash from land fills
Good question.
What does anyone lower himself?
Is it because we are raised to see our standards gleaming
High atop the landfills and mountains of history books
Pages screaming of struggles for indignance
And the very concept of a standard of living
Eat pac man gulps of our existence
For life
And the assumption that we all lower ourselves
Just to bend over to the ground
I know my dressing room standards
But life is hardly ever back stage
Its down center
And the lights will rise
When the horse races are over.
So I ask the lights
My questions
And gladly stretch
For my next bends to the floor.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


There's a rambling staircase
Creaking shrieks with every quantitative step
Every bottle of potential and kinetic
Starting and pause
Forcing bold decisions and outright statements
Similar and replicated in the twisted
Mangled inner self importance of every
Mid-block Maslow sparkling mysterious
Diamond shine pyramid
It begs for an understand of the dialogue
Of chapters void of need; dead-centered on character
Development and evolution
I sit atop the railing
Legs dangle to the sides
Do I slide? or step
Unable to mimic or mime a mime
I see-saw between chapters

Down on the cold basement cement
Barefoot and bleary-eyed
You call to me to make a decision
Watching the grand staircases of Titanics
And theatre halls in my peripherals
I compare and gestate
Screams from the basement door
Remind of errands and chores
But your voice beckons a decision
Slide or step...
I wrap in the options
And gestate
I paint imagery of gliding para sails
Drifting down staircases like the ruffles
Of sea foam fishtail cocktail ensemble
I drool over thoughts of mountain climbing
Hippie granola ambitions
And I call to you push me
Up or down
But touch me
In the direction only your eyes can know
Are the most

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Domesticate me.
Pour me into a bottle.
Shake my ingredients and rethink my recipes.
Because gently and tenderly I rethink my own
I toss my inner monologues (and admittedly dialogues)
Into passionate little girl holiday snow globes and watch the petals dance
When a gentle smile breaks its way onto your face
And the sunlight from a day we have seen nothing of
Glides into the darker corner of your eyes
And shames the shadows of the room
For haphazardly attempting to emulate the dramatic darkness of your hair
When I discover a new concentration of color, a freckle, a mole
A sleep sheet crease taking hotel stays on your back and face
I am reading a book that is changing my life
I am uninterested in the daylight
Nor the moon
Only the slowly faded dances of time and placement of light
From right to left as the day passes
And I feel content knowing your position in my arms will change
Only as circulation is lost and cramps creep
So we change our forever embrace and lazy collapse
Sighing occasionally like tired beasts content in winter
I am with you unproductive and unchallenged
However busier and deeper in thought
Than the most hectic of school days or think tanks
Fallen like a golden gown of a golden queen in a golden age
Limp and lifeless but somehow with more grace and presence
Than when before I was draped across a beautiful bare back
Collapsed and gentle
Breathless for hours, constant in space
It is but nothing for me to plan my days around inactivity with you
Seeing as I have no clever illness nor disorder deemed official
By the pharmaceutical wizards of modern medical masterminds
I can offer only a poor mans apology
As blame is a virtue of the richer
I can offer only an apology for not throwing my emotions upon the nightlife
And arranging symphonies to be played out of rooftops
Great dinners to attend in the honor of our engagement
But rather hours of lethargy and sluggish behavior
But I beg an explanation
Draped and collapsed
Fallen and gentle
Touched in soft breath by the days progression
My heart beats so I’ve run the deepest marathon
Into the height of the Andes
Stripped of all oxygen and pacing
Regardless my stubborn appearance
As a person of hummingbird premature heartbeat
I feel still too weak to experience much more
Than experiencing that of you
And I
And sheets
And pillows
Cigarettes and wine
And conversations
Finally someone I am more interested in than myself
So interested, in fact
I spend little time explaining a thing
You deserve more, it’s true
Scores of novels and pages of tutorials
On the inner workings of who it is holding you
And I’ll uncover more as I go
Peel as you see fit
But peel as you lay
Collapsed and draped
Inanimate and domestic
In charge of whatever
Shaking my holiday globe
And laughing at the shadows in the room.

Scene Selection

I have felt the ticklish breeze
Cross over my face and run through
My hair like rye
Seen the credits role and waited
On the repetitive
Menu screen
All the while waiting for a sequel
I am listening to the droplets
Forming stalagmites
And standing, guilty, in a puddle
My life is changing
Skipping forward
Chapters at a time
And patiently breathing on chaotic mountaintops

The main event:
Reoccurring and threaded
Ever so pleasantly
Through the pages
And templates of my everyday
Would be that the best of howevers
The gusty bustling
Cluster fuck
That I have come to know so gently

Sometimes its just moonlight
Tickling the curtains
And cold January breezes seeping
That cause your forearms to goose bump
And just seeing that transition
The proven breath of life full action
Run across your skin
Makes me jealous in ways that cannot be blamed
On infidelity nor electronics

But of skin cells
Holding tight
To hold you in
I want inside
Or you outside.

How unfair to ask death or sex
To a person incapable of controlling emotions
Damn me all to hell and back
But I want closer.
And isn't that the ultimate scream of the lover?
if nothing but...
I am at a plea to not just watch your freckles
Dance as you laugh and keel
And pull back in a confused and scared place
Of moving right back into a belly laugh.

I don't ask to watch your beauty markings
And perfectly places symmetries experience
I ask to experience that
With them.

Sunlight comes soon enough
To melt the hearts of winter.
What happens to the fern, ever green
Through winter
But an even greener bloom?
I am grateful for your greenery

I am not satisfied to stop.

So squeeze me, for lack of
A better word.
There is rarely a better word anyway.
I am struggling here to find the placement
Of sounds as we stand.
Shut the fuck up
And squeeze me
Until I melt into you
Or we die there

There are two outcomes:
Death or sex
But asked of young lovers
Impatient to get at what’s good for the getting.
We have both been bad.
Only the good die young.
Squeeze me
Until I am your freckles.