Friday, November 18, 2016
Not Just Love
Humps and Thumps to Swerve Around Words
Longing for the Deep
Helios Sex Party 2015
Lies About Myself
Tell Her Why
I Cry
I was raped once
Sadly under
The moon
Which I look to
To light my way
With full faith
It'll protect me
And for the moon to see
What happened to me
Well I was angry
Until I heard the moon say
With tears down its face
I'm sorry
I had to watch
Your innocence lost
Like a father holding the lantern
So a rapist could see
What he was doing.
I understood the moon
What it went through
Because let me tell you
That's the same view
I have of you
As a white man
With his hands
Tied behind lies
And enemy fire
From what the worst of us
Keep shoving
Down your throats
Keep throwing
Into your homes
I understand that view
From the moon
White people
Are confused
I know that's not news
God bless you
You're used to it
But no really
God bless you
For what you've been through
I mean it when I say
I will never ever have the way
To apologize
From my ivory
White power
Was an idea
A few of us made
Impossible today
To not partake
In despite the way
We feel or we pay
Respects to the paved
Roads of the people
Who died cuz our steeples
We're turned into stakes
That forced you to pay
The ultimate price
For something you never
Should have received a bill for
And sure I am gay
So I come and play
At all of these stages
Because I know the way
It feels to fight back
But it's still a fact
You don't have your back
To the congregation, in fact
You are not at all preaching
To the choir you're teaching
White boys like me
Even gay I can see
And hear what you say
Every time
You spite rhymes
Tailored for me
To sit and absorb
You are not ignored
You are heard
And how arrogant of me
How rude would it be
To pretend what you need
Is the white point of view
Knowing that you
Must be so fucking sick
To death of that shit
Still I hear what you say
Every Tuesday
And perhaps I can tell
You what you the hell
Is really going on on this side
So here it goes
I admit I don't know
I don't know what the fuck to do
How to treat you
Because my parents
And their folks
And the folks long since croaked
Box me in a corner
Of which there is no
Obvious way
To escape
Billions of us
Are out there cussing
And beating the shit out of you
And Have ruined
Every damn thing we say
As we choke and we shake
Wondering if mentioning your hair
Shows that we care
Or simple tells you watch out
I'm stealing that now
Do I try and pronounce your name
Like I'm insane
And butcher your family's story
You would hate...or adore me
Adore that I am trying?
Do I listen to you
Play your songs on the juke?
Or until I rebuke
The white man who pukes
Out his hate
on your bass
Just shut my face
And my appropriation??
Every thought that I have
Goes through this mill
Or what won't and what will
Speak to my skin's
So I sit in this crowd
Screaming out loud
'Go ahead' 'Go in' and 'bring it down!'
But even in this town
With the sun shining down
I will never be brown
Enough to make those sounds
That never came from my people
It just points back to me
And The stories that we
Are all told as white children
First off so you know
What it is that is sold
To us in bulk
Is this 'truth'
We are NOT like you
But for a white to
Be accused as a racist
Is the most absolute tasteless
Of all accusations
I know that sounds crazy
With the way we act lately
But ask any all lives matter
Lady's hate splattered
On her protest sign
Waiting in line at the RNC
If she really
She's a racist
She doesn't
I promise
And to call her a bigot
She will not quit it
She'll insist that she's only being equal
So just know that
That's where we are at
And the second big lie is still worse
We are told from the first
Time we see you
That you ARE the same
And we shouldn't hate
But my god don't ever take it there
Don't ask about hair
Don't point out where
We are different
The only chance
We feel that
You have to succeed
Is for you to be
Just like us if you can
So just understand
In our worlds so flat
That that
Is supposed to be love meant for you
And the last LIE we face
Our biggest problem with race
They tell to our face
Is that we've done our best
To try and erase
Every sin of our predecessors
To relieve the pressure
Of how it felt when professors
Taught us all the measures
Our fathers went through
To kill you
I wish you knew
What it felt like to
Read history books
Full of these crooks
Who look just like you
To read almost the truth
About all of the ruthless
Lengths we went to
To be probably the worst group
Of people we knew
Will know
And are
And so we lie
We lie
I will tell you we lie
To ourselves every night
When we act surprised
At your riots
Because what did we do?
In this present truth?
How long will we pay
For their mistakes
We never made
We keep saying
And saying
We never made
These things
It's all the past
We are trying to scream
Don't you see? It's not me!
In the third grade I seen
A play about Harriet Tubman
And I clapped!
I backed her up!
And for the record
We all want to say
I mean don't take your slang
And your twerk
And your plays
I am not my old man
I do it to stand
Up and say damn
Look at what they can do!
I mean man, fellow white's can you
Believe this shit?
This shit lit!
But I'll quit
Making this worse
Because I am not here to defend
My fellow white men
I am here to extend
Some Intel, my friends
From behind the lies
Of white enemy lines
And thank God for this scene
For these people that speak
Every Tuesday to me
That help me see
And let me stand here
As the first you may here
And tell you I'm sorry
And just in case
That needs to be clear let me face
You head on a state
I am sorry for then. But more sorry for now
I am sorry for how
We all, even me
If we choose to or
If it's nothing more
Than ignorance
It doesn't matter anymore
I am sorry for now
I am sorry for the new
For the hate that I spew
Straight out at you
When I choose not to
Watch what I say
Or take time to think
About what my priveledge gives me
Hell just on this stage
I have to explain
Even now I'm afraid
That I have taken from you
The art of the spew
The art of the slam
and now here I stand
Just some white man
You clap for me
Into YOUR art
To steal your hearts
And maybe to win
Some award in the end
Oh let's all just clap
For the white man and snap
When he takes again
What isn't ABOUT HIM
I see you
I hear you
And I do not know what to do
About this view
From the mic
Expect perhaps tell you
That as many of us
Are trying to bust
You disgustingly
There are those of us
That are part of the problem
But dumbed up and Stuck
and hog tied
By the hands of our white
Leaders - we cry
And we try
My god do we try
To escape so to find
A way to defy
The past and our pride
To try and untie
Our brains
And we cry
Every time that you die
Again because I
Because we
Because I
Am not fighting enough
Out there or inside
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm trying
I cry
I Cry
I was raped once
Sadly under
The moon
Which I look to
To light my way
With full faith
It'll protect me
And for the moon to see
What happened to me
Well I was angry
Until I heard the moon say
With tears down its face
I'm sorry
I had to watch
Your innocence lost
Like a father holding the lantern
So a rapist could see
What he was doing.
I understood the moon
What it went through
Because let me tell you
That's the same view
I have of you
As a white man
With his hands
Tied behind lies
And enemy fire
From what the worst of us
Keep shoving
Down your throats
Keep throwing
Into your homes
I understand that view
From the moon
White people
Are confused
I know that's not news
God bless you
You're used to it
But no really
God bless you
For what you've been through
I mean it when I say
I will never ever have the way
To apologize
From my ivory
White power
Was an idea
A few of us made
Impossible today
To not partake
In despite the way
We feel or we pay
Respects to the paved
Roads of the people
Who died cuz our steeples
We're turned into stakes
That forced you to pay
The ultimate price
For something you never
Should have received a bill for
And sure I am gay
So I come and play
At all of these stages
Because I know the way
It feels to fight back
But it's still a fact
You don't have your back
To the congregation, in fact
You are not at all preaching
To the choir you're teaching
White boys like me
Even gay I can see
And hear what you say
Every time
You spite rhymes
Tailored for me
To sit and absorb
You are not ignored
You are heard
And how arrogant of me
How rude would it be
To pretend what you need
Is the white point of view
Knowing that you
Must be so fucking sick
To death of that shit
Still I hear what you say
Every Tuesday
And perhaps I can tell
You what you the hell
Is really going on on this side
So here it goes
I admit I don't know
I don't know what the fuck to do
How to treat you
Because my parents
And their folks
And the folks long since croaked
Box me in a corner
Of which there is no
Obvious way
To escape
Billions of us
Are out there cussing
And beating the shit out of you
And Have ruined
Every damn thing we say
As we choke and we shake
Wondering if mentioning your hair
Shows that we care
Or simple tells you watch out
I'm stealing that now
Do I try and pronounce your name
Like I'm insane
And butcher your family's story
You would hate...or adore me
Adore that I am trying?
Do I listen to you
Play your songs on the juke?
Or until I rebuke
The white man who pukes
Out his hate
on your bass
Just shut my face
And my appropriation??
Every thought that I have
Goes through this mill
Or what won't and what will
Speak to my skin's
So I sit in this crowd
Screaming out loud
'Go ahead' 'Go in' and 'bring it down!'
But even in this town
With the sun shining down
I will never be brown
Enough to make those sounds
That never came from my people
It just points back to me
And The stories that we
Are all told as white children
First off so you know
What it is that is sold
To us in bulk
Is this 'truth'
We are NOT like you
But for a white to
Be accused as a racist
Is the most absolute tasteless
Of all accusations
I know that sounds crazy
With the way we act lately
But ask any all lives matter
Lady's hate splattered
On her protest sign
Waiting in line at the RNC
If she really
She's a racist
She doesn't
I promise
And to call her a bigot
She will not quit it
She'll insist that she's only being equal
So just know that
That's where we are at
And the second big lie is still worse
We are told from the first
Time we see you
That you ARE the same
And we shouldn't hate
But my god don't ever take it there
Don't ask about hair
Don't point out where
We are different
The only chance
We feel that
You have to succeed
Is for you to be
Just like us if you can
So just understand
In our worlds so flat
That that
Is supposed to be love meant for you
And the last LIE we face
Our biggest problem with race
They tell to our face
Is that we've done our best
To try and erase
Every sin of our predecessors
To relieve the pressure
Of how it felt when professors
Taught us all the measures
Our fathers went through
To kill you
I wish you knew
What it felt like to
Read history books
Full of these crooks
Who look just like you
To read almost the truth
About all of the ruthless
Lengths we went to
To be probably the worst group
Of people we knew
Will know
And are
And so we lie
We lie
I will tell you we lie
To ourselves every night
When we act surprised
At your riots
Because what did we do?
In this present truth?
How long will we pay
For their mistakes
We never made
We keep saying
And saying
We never made
These things
It's all the past
We are trying to scream
Don't you see? It's not me!
In the third grade I seen
A play about Harriet Tubman
And I clapped!
I backed her up!
And for the record
We all want to say
I mean don't take your slang
And your twerk
And your plays
I am not my old man
I do it to stand
Up and say damn
Look at what they can do!
I mean man, fellow white's can you
Believe this shit?
This shit lit!
But I'll quit
Making this worse
Because I am not here to defend
My fellow white men
I am here to extend
Some Intel, my friends
From behind the lies
Of white enemy lines
And thank God for this scene
For these people that speak
Every Tuesday to me
That help me see
And let me stand here
As the first you may here
And tell you I'm sorry
And just in case
That needs to be clear let me face
You head on a state
I am sorry for then. But more sorry for now
I am sorry for how
We all, even me
If we choose to or
If it's nothing more
Than ignorance
It doesn't matter anymore
I am sorry for now
I am sorry for the new
For the hate that I spew
Straight out at you
When I choose not to
Watch what I say
Or take time to think
About what my priveledge gives me
Hell just on this stage
I have to explain
Even now I'm afraid
That I have taken from you
The art of the spew
The art of the slam
and now here I stand
Just some white man
You clap for me
Into YOUR art
To steal your hearts
And maybe to win
Some award in the end
Oh let's all just clap
For the white man and snap
When he takes again
What isn't ABOUT HIM
I see you
I hear you
And I do not know what to do
About this view
From the mic
Expect perhaps tell you
That as many of us
Are trying to bust
You disgustingly
There are those of us
That are part of the problem
But dumbed up and Stuck
and hog tied
By the hands of our white
Leaders - we cry
And we try
My god do we try
To escape so to find
A way to defy
The past and our pride
To try and untie
Our brains
And we cry
Every time that you die
Again because I
Because we
Because I
Am not fighting enough
Out there or inside
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm trying
I cry