Monday, April 7, 2008

Sheets Prt. 2

Tonight I am going to ask you
To just keep me in a hold
Steady, in control
And slowly let go
Only when you know
I am asleep.
Tonight I will need you
To find
Of just why
You are mine
Smile just right
And make me sigh
Turn down the lights
Make the time
And tonight I’m going to cry
About things you don’t get
Try to help, yet
Please don’t sweat
When my tears sit
In pools on the bed
It’s here in my head
You will not know
And that is okay
Just listen and see
Keep touching me
Tonight you are a place
To ignore what I hate
Just step away
This load came at once
Like a busted undercover
And I need to relax
Need distractions
Of insecurities
And hobbies
Emotional house cleanings
Do their part
But no good when my heart
Is holding itself
It keeps telling
Me to go clean
Go change some sheets
Let off some steam
Take some deep
Breaths and the sheets
To the washing machine
Go change some sheets
But it’s clear to me
I’d much rather be
In them
And away from this
Tonight I am going to be clear
I said come here
Stay here
Just lay here all ears
Because I need to love hasty
Someone with taste
And a face
That makes
My mouth salivate
And keeps my eyes
Good and dry
Tonight I am going to die
And bury my
In your chest
Under blankets and sheets
Tough realities
And avoid at all costs
The sum of this loss
Spend the night lost
In a turbulent toss
And turn fight
Gasping for light
Drinking in spite
And sobbing like
I was dying
Tonight you will fall asleep with me
When I’m finally free
Deep beneath sheets
Fast in my sleep
And although I may be
Tomorrow you will be
The first thing I see
And I will be tangled
In you.