Friday, November 18, 2016

Little Voice - For Tony

The harder I have fought

To understand surrender 

The harder it has been to hear

Whatever message it might carry 

It's like getting tired of looking

And looking

And looking

For a place to sleep

What am I supposed to do? 

Take a break and take a nap?

'You don't understand. I just can't'

I tell myself

And tell myself

And tell myself

'But maybe...'

Some little voice 

Some little voice that's new

Came to whisper to me

'Maybe the first part of surrender...

Is to accept that you don't get it?

Perhaps drop your searching hands

Down by your side


Down by your side

And let your shoulders shrug and rise

Let your lungs collect a sigh

Just let your lips divide 

And sigh' 

And of course it's not that easy

And of course I had to fight

And that little voice was silent

'But maybe that's alright'

After a while

That little voice sighs

'Maybe that's alright too

You don't know what to do

Just yet

I bet 

No one ever knows surrender

When they start on their adventure

To understand the embers

After a fire goes out 

And without 

A doubt

This is where you ought to be

When understanding 

How to let go'

And my heart grows

And my ears hone in

And I start to begin

To listen to him 

This little voice 

'Now take your hands from your side'

The little voice cried

'And feel the air

Up there 

Feel the sky'

I closed my eyes

Doubting the whole time

And dammit I tried

And after a while

I swear I was flying 

And I heard a little voice

Whisper to me

So gently

On just one side

'Now open your eyes

Because you're flying'

'I want to look down

What should I do? 

You're talking to me

Then I'm talking to you

My hands are made for searching

It's just how I'm made

Can I really surrender 

While searching this way?

Can I get through my days

Looking for ways

To control all around me

While accepting my fate

At the same time

Maybe just I'm 

Maybe just I'm 

I'm crazy'

'But maybe'

The little voice kneeled

Down beside me: 

'A deal.

A promise to ponder

Will you let go and wander

If I am here to hold on?

Will you tackle your fear

Let it be made clear

What's meant to be 

If I'm in your ear?'

And it was in that moment

As I recall

That I let myself fall

That I let myself find

What surrender felt like 

Every day, Little Voice

I take these foreign 

Deep breaths of mine

And let them out like a sigh

Knowing that my

Hands in the sky 

Are searching but I'm

Ok with the find

Because that is truly surrender

Thank you, Little Voice

Inside my ear perched

For letting me search 

Asking only that I listen

And helping me hear

You in my ears 

You by my side

You at my back

You all the time

Saying to me

Every time I've got fear

'Don't worry

I've got you 

And keep going 

I'm here'